AAU Arctic - connecting research and communities

AAU Arctic - connecting research and communities

About AAU Arctic
Project description of GIOS
Greenland plays a unique and central role in the global climate system. The purpose of the Greenland Integrated Observing System (GIOS) is to resolve and understand the mechanisms behind climate and environmental change in Greenland and beyond. GIOS is a new coordinated network of sustainable long-term research infrastructures in and around Greenland observing the changing air, ice, land, and ocean conditions.
GIOS is an important and timely national research infrastructure linking all institutions and universities currently carrying out Arctic research in the Danish Realm. Aalborg University contributes to the development of infrastructure in South Greenland suitable for the investigation of temperature sensitivity in insects. The building of infrastructure in South Greenland allows researchers and students to conduct laboratory-controlled experiments related to climate change and eco-system changes. Furthermore, the physical infrastrucure facilitates cross-disciplinary cooperation and exchange in South Greenland (Narsarsuaq).

People and research groups
Spread out over multiple faculties and departments at Aalborg University, researchers are engaging in Arctic research or participate in research projects that are dealing with local concerns in the Arctic. In total, more than 35 researchers are connected to AAU Arctic.

AAU Arctic Videos
Contact the secretariat
Phone: +45 9940 8445
+45 9356 2348